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Shortcuts and hotkeys

This guide provides a list of shortcuts and hotkeys for navigating and manipulating your scenes in Studio.

Scene management

These hotkeys help you efficiently manage your scene.

Save Scenemeta + SSave the current scene.
Copymeta + CCopy selected objects to the clipboard.
Pastemeta + VPaste copied objects into the scene from the clipboard.
Duplicatemeta + DDuplicate selected entities in the scene.
Multi-select (Hierarchy only)Shift + click and meta + clickSelect multiple entities in the Hierarchy at once.
Group entitiesmeta + GGroup selected entities together for easier management.

Viewport navigation

Use these hotkeys to navigate and manipulate the camera within the 3D Viewport.

FlyRight-click + WASD
Right-click + E: Fly up
Right-click + Q: Fly down

Holding Shift allows for faster movement.
Fly through the 3D scene in first-person perspective.
Rotate (E)Left-click + dragRotate the camera around the clicked point.
PanMiddle-click + dragPan the camera horizontally or vertically.
LookRight-click + dragLook around the scene without moving your point of view.
ZoomScroll WheelZoom in or out in the 3D Viewport.
FocusF or double-clickFocus the camera on the selected object(s).
DeselectEscapeDeselect the current selection of objects.
Switch transform toolW, E, RSwitch between Translate (W), Rotate (E), and Scale (R) tools.

Transform controls

These hotkeys help manipulate objects’ position, orientation, and scale.

Toggle World/Object spaceZToggle between world space and object space orientations for transformations.
Cycle transform pivotShift + Y, R, TCycle through transform pivot options: Selection, Center, Bottom, and Origin.

Snapping tools

These hotkeys allow you to snap objects precisely to grid lines or align them with other objects.

Toggle bounding box snapBToggle snapping objects to the bounding boxes of other objects for alignment.
Toggle grid snappingCToggle snapping objects to grid increments for precise positioning.

Debugging tools

Use these hotkeys to access debugging tools and monitor the performance of your scene.

Open debug menuTilde (`) keyOpen the debug menu to monitor scene status and troubleshoot performance issues.