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Hierarchy tab

The Hierarchy panel serves as the foundation for structuring your scene. It provides a comprehensive view of all entities within your project, which are the building blocks that bring your scene to life. These entities can range from geometric shapes to abstract elements like lighting and effects.

Location of the Hierarchy panel

Key features

The Hierarchy panel empowers you to monitor and build dynamic scenes with unique elements.

  • Create new entities: Utilize the Add Entity button to introduce new entities and select their type.

Add Entity button in the Hierarchy tab

  • Search for entities: Quickly locate specific entities within your scene using the search functionality.
  • Manage order of appearance: Organize the entity shelf to your liking.
  • Show and hide entities: Toggle visibility on objects in your scene.

Set up entity visibility

  • Entity manipulation: Rename, duplicate, group, copy, paste, and delete entities to manage your scene organization efficiently.

Working with Entities

Adding new entities is simple. Click the Add Entity button and choose the desired entity type.

Choosing a type for your new entity

Entity categories

The creation process offers a variety of categories to suit your needs. You can choose from:

EmptyInserts an empty entity to your hierarchy that you can build components on.
GeoAdd a model component where you can input a 3D file, select a basic primitive shape, or add a ground plane to your scene.
LightingAdd various lights to your scene. Choose from point lights, spotlights, directional lights, ambient lights, or hemisphere lights.
ColliderDefine the collision shape of an entity for physics interactions. Options include box, sphere, cylinder, and mesh colliders.
TextInsert non-interactive text elements into your scene. Text entities are useful for titles, labels, instructions, captions, or other informational content.
LookDevLookDev entities influence the overall visual style of your scene, including the skybox, fog, and post-processing effects.

By effectively utilizing the Hierarchy panel, you can establish a well-organized scene structure, making it easier to manage and manipulate your virtual world.