Component reference
Physics components

Rigidbody component



The Rigidbody component adds physical behavior to entities, enabling them to interact with physics simulations like gravity, collisions, and forces. It defines how an entity moves and responds within the physics world.

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Body Type

Determines the rigid body's behavior. Options include:

  • Fixed: The entity is static and unaffected by physics forces.
  • Dynamic: The entity responds to physics forces, gravity, and collisions.
  • Kinematic: The entity moves according to its own logic but can affect dynamic entities through collisions. It is not affected by physics forces.

Usage notes

  • A Rigidbody is required for an entity to participate in the physics simulation.
  • To enable collision detection, you need to add a Collider component to the entity with the Rigidbody.
  • Choose the Body Type based on how you want the entity to behave in the scene.