Component reference
Interaction components

Spawn Point component



The Spawn Point component designates where users appear when they enter your scene. By placing one or multiple spawn points, you can control the starting positions of users in your virtual environment.

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ℹ️ Component loaded by default in your scene

This component comes by default in your scene. Find it inside the Spawn point entity from your scene Hierarchy. The default setting makes users enter (spawn) the scene at origin (0, 0, 0).


The Spawn Point component does not have any adjustable properties. Its functionality is determined by its position and orientation in the scene.

Usage notes

  • Placement: Simply add the Spawn Point component to an entity and position it where you want users to spawn.
  • Orientation: The rotation of the spawn point determines the initial facing direction of the user.
  • Multiple spawn points: If multiple spawn points are present, the system chooses one at random for users to enter your scene.

Important details

  • Default behavior: Users spawn in the middle of the scene, unless you manually change the position of the entity position to which the component is attached.
  • User experience: Place spawn points in locations that provide a good initial view and context for users entering the scene.