Component reference
Lighting components

Ambient Light component



The Ambient Light component adds a uniform light across the entire scene without any specific direction. It simulates indirect lighting and ensures that all objects are at least minimally lit, preventing completely dark areas.

Document image





Sets the color of the ambient light affecting all objects.


Adjusts the brightness of the ambient light. A higher value makes the scene brighter.

Usage notes

  • Base lighting: Use ambient light to provide a base level of illumination in your scene.
  • Color mood: Adjust the Color to influence the overall mood (e.g., a warm color for a sunset atmosphere).

Important details

  • Uniform effect: Ambient light affects all objects equally, regardless of position or orientation.
  • No shadows: This light type does not cast shadows or create highlights.

ℹ️ Casting shadows on your objects

To make your object cast shadows affected by Lighting components, you must configure a Shadow component to your entity.