Component reference
Lighting components

Point Light component



The Point Light component emits light uniformly in all directions from a single point, similar to a light bulb. It affects nearby objects based on distance and can create localized lighting effects.

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Sets the color of the light emitted.


Adjusts the brightness of the light.


Defines the maximum distance the light reaches. A value of 0 means infinite range.


Determines how the light diminishes over distance. Higher values cause the light to fade more quickly.

Cast shadows

Enables or disables shadow casting from this light.

Shadow bias

Adjusts the shadow's position to reduce visual glitches caused by shadow rendering.

Usage notes

  • Local lighting: Ideal for simulating lamps, candles, or other localized light sources.
  • Position matters: Place the light near the objects you want to illuminate.
  • Range and decay: Adjust Range and Decay to control how far the light reaches and how quickly it fades.

Important details

  • No shadows: Point lights cannot cast shadows in the current system.
  • Performance: Multiple point lights can affect performance; optimize by limiting their number and range.