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Navigation controls

This guide outlines the fundamental Viewport navigation controls using a mouse and keyboard.

About the Viewport

The Viewport is your main workspace in the Studio. It displays all active entities in your scene and acts as a window into your virtual world, where you can navigate, preview, and edit the elements of your scene in real time.

Viewport window in the Studio

Mouse actions

The mouse controls available for the Viewport are:

ActionMouse inputDescription
FlyRight-click + WASD keysNavigate freely within the 3D environment in a first-person perspective.
RotateLeft-click and dragOrbit the camera around the point where you clicked, changing the viewing angle.
PanMiddle-click (scroll wheel click) and dragMove the camera horizontally or vertically within the Viewport without changing the viewing angle.
ZoomScroll wheelAdjust the camera’s focal length to zoom in or out, changing the field of view.

Additional keyboard controls

The keyboard controls available for the Viewport are:

Focus (frame)FCenter the Viewport on the currently selected object(s).
DeselectEscapeClear the current selection of objects.
Switch transform toolW, E, or RChange the active transform tool to translate, rotate, or scale, respectively.

By mastering these controls, you can navigate the Viewport efficiently, enabling you to create and modify your 3D scenes with greater ease and precision.